Tom of Finland: The Total Kake Comics by Dian Hanson (English) Hardcover Book

Tom of Finland: The Total Kake Comics by Dian Hanson (English) Hardcover Book

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Label Fresh: A original, unread, unused e book in highest condition without a lacking or damaged pages. Gaze the vendor’s
Structure: Hardcover
Language: English Publication Year: 2014



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About this product

Product Data
Mustaches and muscle groups: Support to the days when males have been males and intercourse was as soon as carefree In 1965, Tom of Finland started flirting with the root of an ongoing personality for his panel stories, the closing Tom’s Man. He tried out a blond named Vicky–a wierd male title in Finland–adopted by a Tarzan-impressed Jack. Then in 1968 Tom settled on Kake, a murky-haired, mustached leatherman who continuously wore a capable white T-shirt bearing the motto “Fucker.” Kake lived as much as this moniker, a form of submit-Stonewall, hyper-masculine Johnny Appleseed traveling the area on his bike to spread the seeds of liberated, mutually capable-making an are attempting, ecstatically inform homosexual intercourse. Tom lived out many of his most non-public fantasies by Kake, and Kake’s world followers made him the template for what came to be identified because the homosexual clone look of the Seventies. Between 1968 and 1986, Tom printed 26 episodes of Kake adventures, most as 20-page booklets. Tom of Finland – The Total Kake Comics collects all of these stories in a single volume. Return with Kake to the days when males have been males, intercourse was as soon as carefree, and every person wore an infinite thick mustache. Text in English, French, and German

Product Identifiers
Publisher Taschen
ISBN-10 3836550512
ISBN-13 9783836550512
eBay Product ID (ePID) 175736387

Product Key Factors
Structure Hardcover
Publication Year 2014
Language English

Weight 32.1 Ounces19459027]
Width 7.9in.
Height 1.6in.
Length 5.7in.

Extra Product Factors
Series of Pages 704 Pages
Publication Date 2014-06-15
Edited by Dian Hanson

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