The Candymaker’s Reward : A Memoir of the Sweet Cane by Helen Haidle ; Paperback

The Candymaker’s Reward : A Memoir of the Sweet Cane by Helen Haidle ; Paperback

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Item specifics


Keep New: A peculiar, unread, unused e book in ideally gracious situation with out a lacking or broken pages. Inquire the seller’s
Format: Paperback
Publication 365 days: 2010 Language: English
IsTextBook: No Author: Warner Press, Integrated
Binding: Paperback Weight: 2 oz.
Product Group: Book Author: Helen Haidle


About this product

Product Knowledge
Martin, an aged candymaker, needs to give his younger granddaughter, Katie, a different gift for Christmas. What can he blueprint to aid her and different village kids undergo in mind the suited that suggests of Christmas? Entering his workshop with this cause in mind, he begins to produce a brand unusual manufacture of candy. As Katie helps to set the finishing touches on the candy cane, Martin teaches her about Jesus. Katie can from time to time wait to portion the candy and its particular message with all her company! Past winner of the C.S. Lewis Silver Award and the CBA Silver Medallion, The Candymaker¿s Reward is a fantastically illustrated Christmas story, retelling the yarn of the candy cane. Following the story, the e book also aspects pages that summarize the that suggests of the candy cane, offer ideas for candy cane celebrations, and unusual the opinion of salvation.

Product Identifiers
Author Warner Press Publishers
ISBN-10 1593174020
ISBN-13 9781593174026
eBay Product ID (ePID) 92564763

Product Key Aspects
Format Paperback
Language English

Width 4.2in.
Length 6in.

Additional Product Aspects
Publication 365 days 20100000
Illustrated Tremendous
Age Fluctuate 6-Up
Copyright Date 2010
Author Helen Haidle
Illustrated by David Haidle
Number of Pages 32 Pages
Publication Date 2010-06-01

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