Smartly to effect Dad’s Handbook to Investing by Robert Kiyosaki FREE SHIPPING paperback book

Smartly to effect Dad’s Handbook to Investing by Robert Kiyosaki FREE SHIPPING paperback book

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Imprint: $7.25

Merchandise specifics

Format: Paperback Enviornment: Industry & Economics
Publication 300 and sixty five days: 2000 Topic: Personal Finance
Language: English ISBN:


About this product

Product Recordsdata
Personal finance author and lecturer Robert T. Kiyosaki developed his uncommon economic perspective from two very diversified influences – two fathers. One father (Robert’s accurate father) modified into a highly trained man nonetheless fiscally downhearted. The other modified into the father of Robert’s fully buddy – that dad modified into a college tumble-out who modified into a self-made magnate. On this prepare-as much as the bestselling Smartly to effect Dad, Sad Dad, he reveals the important thing of how the wealthiest other folks change into wealthier by presenting some straightforward investing secrets and explaining how anyone can procure pleasure from money advantages merely by vibrant where and how fully to speculate their money.

Product Identifiers
Publisher Expansive Central Publishing
ISBN-10 0446677469
ISBN-13 9780446677462
eBay Product ID (ePID) 1178553

Product Key Aspects
Format Ebook, Paperback
Publication 300 and sixty five days 2000
Language English

Weight 17.6 Oz
Width 5.9in.
Height 1.1in.
Dimension 8.9in.

Extra Product Aspects
Copyright Date 2000
Author Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter
Sort of Pages 384 Pages
Version Description Reprint
Publication Date 2000-06-01

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