Manhunt A Michael Bennett Yarn by James Patterson 9780316473491

Manhunt A Michael Bennett Yarn by James Patterson 9780316473491

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Item specifics


Trace Fresh: A original, unread, unused book in finest situation with out a missing or broken pages. Notion the seller’s
Creator: James Patterson
Language: English E-newsletter Yr: 2017
Structure: Paperback ISBN:




About this product

Michael Bennett, be grateful you would possibly perchance presumably well presumably presumably be alive. Somebody attacked the Thanksgiving Day Parade staunch now in front of Michael Bennett and his family. The tv recordsdata called it -vacation terror—Michael Bennett calls it non-public. The hunt is on…. BookShots LIGHTNING-FAST STORIES BY JAMES PATTERSON Novels you would possibly perchance presumably luxuriate in in a few hours Impossible to conclude discovering out All normal inform material from James Patterson

Product Identifiers
ISBN-10 0316473499
ISBN-13 9780316473491
eBay Product ID (ePID) 237517656

Key Important factors
Creator James Patterson
Quantity Of Pages 144 pages
Sequence BookShots
Structure Paperback
E-newsletter Date 2017-11-07
Language English
Publisher Small Brown & Firm
E-newsletter Yr 2017

Weight 3.5 Ounces19459027]
Top 0.5 In.
Width 5 In.
Size 7 In.

Purpose Audience
Neighborhood Change

As told to James O. Born

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