Know Your Bible: All 66 Books Outlined and Applied by George Knight (English) P

Know Your Bible: All 66 Books Outlined and Applied by George Knight (English) P

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Ticket Quiet: A brand original, unread, unused e book in accurate condition and not using a lacking or damaged pages. Study the seller’s
Structure: Paperback


Language: English

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About this product

Product Data
Know Your Bible is a concise, easy-to-realize records to God’s Notice-providing you with a precious and great overview of all 66 books. For each Know Your Bible affords records on the writer and timeframe, a ten-observe synopsis, a longer (50-100 observe) summary, thoughts on what makes the e book appealing or uncommon, a record of key verses, and a So, What? portion of realistic utility. Or no longer it’s miles a tremendous resource for folks and ministries!

Product Identifiers
Writer Barbour Publishing, Integrated
ISBN-10 1602600155
ISBN-13 9781602600157
eBay Product ID (ePID) 62264936

Product Key Aspects
Structure Paperback
Language English

Weight 1.9 Oz.19459027]
Width 4.2in.
Top 0.3in.
Length 6.9in.

Extra Product Aspects
Newsletter Year 20080000
Sequence Price Bks.
Writer Paul Kent
Preference of Pages 96 Pages
Newsletter Date 2008-02-01

$6.fifty three
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