Keto Food regimen Capsules 1200mg Developed Weight Loss & Ketosis Burn Corpulent BhB Enhance Energy

Keto Food regimen Capsules 1200mg Developed Weight Loss & Ketosis Burn Corpulent BhB Enhance Energy

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Impress: $29.99

Merchandise specifics


New: A tag-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its usual packaging (the set apart packaging is
Expiration Date: 9/2022
System: Pill Filled with life Substances: BHB Salts, Magnesium BHB Hydroxybutyrate, Calcium BHB Hydroxybutyrate, Sodium BHB Hydroxybutyrate, MCT Powder, Apple Cider Vinegar
Set apart:

Keto Extra Energy 1200

Country/Quandary of Construct: United States

Conclude Date: Sunday Mar-1-2020 14: 17: 47 PST
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