Franklin’s Misplaced Ship: The Historic Discovery of HMS Erebus

Franklin’s Misplaced Ship: The Historic Discovery of HMS Erebus

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Price: $6.55

Item specifics


Tag Fresh: A original, unread, unused book in finest condition with no lacking or broken pages. Gaze the seller’s
Structure: Paperback
Language: English Publication three hundred and sixty five days: 2017




About this product

A superbly illustrated story of the thrilling expedition that recovered a ship lost to timenow in paperback Since the disastrous and fatal cease of the Franklin Expedition nearly seventeen decades ago, the mysterious destiny of the ships HMS Erebus and HMS Fright has captured the final public’s imagination. The Victoria Strait Expedition, a in point of fact mighty effort to search out the ships since the 1850s, used to be led by Parks Canada in partnership with the Arctic Compare Basis, the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and varied public and non-public companions. The expedition extinct world-leading technology in underwater exploration and succeeded with a significant secure within the summer season of 2014the discovery of the Erebus. News of the discovery made headlines in some unspecified time in the future of the arena. The fun and curiosity be pleased finest increased since the Erebus’s sister ship, the Fright, used to be within the waste positioned in September 2016. In this entirely illustrated book, readers be taught about the consuming expedition, the now no longer easy search and the ship’s discovery. Featuring the first photos of the Erebus, this pretty book weaves together a story of historical mystery and stylish stride.

Product Identifiers
ISBN-10 1443444189
ISBN-13 9781443444187
eBay Product ID (ePID) 236695649

Key Small print
Author Alanna Mitchell, John Geiger
Number Of Pages 224 pages
Structure Paperback
Publication Date 2017-10-31
Language English
Writer HarperCollins Publishers
Publication three hundred and sixty five days 2017

Weight 24.5 Oz.19459027]
High 0.5 In.
Width 7.9 In.
Size 9.1 In.

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