Components of Programming Interviews in Python The Insiders’ Files (EßOooK)🔥 2016

Components of Programming Interviews in Python The Insiders’ Files (EßOooK)🔥 2016

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Note New: A brand unusual, unread, unused ebook in absolute top situation and not using a missing or broken pages. See the vendor’s
Structure: Paperback
Nation/Field of Fabricate: United States E-newsletter one year: 2016
Topic: Programming Language: English
Nation: USA Field: Computers & Internet
Issues: Personal & Authentic Pattern Modified Merchandise: No


About this product

Product Data
Right here’s the Python model of our ebook. See the safe space for links to the C]+ and Java model. Dangle you ever ever… Main to work at an thrilling futuristic company ? Struggled with an interview declare that would had been solved in 15 minutes? Wished you may perchance well perchance see real-world computing issues ? If this is the case, or no longer you can deserve to learn Components of Programming Interviews (EPI). EPI is your entire files to interviewing for gadget pattern roles. The core of EPI is a series of over 250 issues with detailed choices. The issues are representative of interview questions requested at leading gadget firms. The issues are illustrated with 200 figures, 300 examined programs, and 150 extra variants. The ebook begins with a summary of the nontechnical aspects of interviewing, equivalent to ideas for a honest interview, overall mistakes, perspectives from the different facet of the table, programs on negotiating the appropriate provide, and a files to the appropriate ways to make spend of EPI. We additionally provide a summary of files buildings, algorithms, and declare fixing patterns. Coding issues are presented by intention of a series of chapters on classic and evolved files buildings, shopping, sorting, algorithm make guidelines, and concurrency. Every chapter stars with a temporary introduction, a case see, high programs, and a review of the greatest library programs. Right here’s adopted by a gigantic and thought-upsetting put apart of living of issues. A purposeful, relaxing means to computer science fundamentals, as seen by intention of the lens of overall programming interview questions. Jeff Atwood/Co-founder, Stack Overflow and Discourse

Product Identifiers
Author CreateSpace
ISBN-10 1537713949
ISBN-13 9781537713946
eBay Product ID (ePID) 236578711

Product Key Components
Structure Paperback
E-newsletter one year 2016
Language English

Weight 32.4 Oz19459027]
Width 7in.
High 1in.
Dimension 10in.

Extra Product Components
Author Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee, Amit Prakash
Sequence of Pages 426 Pages
E-newsletter Date 2016-09-15

Cease Date: Friday Nov-22-2019 6:39:10 PST
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