Campbell Biology Tenth Model Hardcover

Campbell Biology Tenth Model Hardcover

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Imprint: $13.95

Item specifics

Structure: Hardcover Language: English
E-newsletter 365 days: 2013 Topic: Biology


About this product

Product Recordsdata
The Tenth Model of the supreme-promoting textual convey Campbell BIOLOGY helps start students to success in biology through its clear and partaking tale, good pedagogy, and innovative sing of work and photographs to promote pupil finding out. The Tenth Model helps students hang a deeper realizing of biology by making connections visually sometime of chapters and constructing the scientific abilities wished for success in better-level purposes. Figures pull together convey from assorted chapters visually, helping students sight “mountainous image” relationships. Workouts in every chapter – sing staunch files to make key abilities wished for biology, along with files prognosis, graphing, experimental invent, and math abilities. Examples expose students how our skill to sequence DNA and proteins impulsively and inexpensively is reworking every subfield of biology.

Product Identifiers
Publisher Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company
ISBN-10 0321775651
ISBN-13 9780321775658
eBay Product ID (ePID) 167660196

Product Key Aspects
Structure Hardcover
E-newsletter 365 days 2013
Language English

Weight 111.2 Oz
Width 9.4in.
Height 2in.
Dimension 11.2in.

Additional Product Aspects
Dewey Model 23
Illustrated Proceed
Dewey Decimal 570
Series 4
Copyright Date 2014
Author Michael L. Cain, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson, Lisa A. Urry, Steven A. Wasserman
Model Quantity 10
Quantity of Pages 1488 Pages
Model Description 10th Model
Lc Classification Quantity Qh308.2.C34 2014
E-newsletter Date 2013-10-31
Lccn 2013-016010

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