A Transient History of Time: From the Expansive Bang to Murky Holes by Stephen W. Hawking

A Transient History of Time: From the Expansive Bang to Murky Holes by Stephen W. Hawking

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Format: Hardcover Language: English
E-newsletter twelve months: 1988 ISBN:




About this product

Product Information
Stephen Hawking has earned a repute because the most shining theoretical physicist since Einstein. On this landmark volume, Professor Hawking shares his blazing mind with nonscientists in each place, guiding us expertly to confront the supreme questions of the character of time and the universe. Used to be there a beginning of time? Will there be an discontinue? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? From Galileo and Newton to popular astrophysics, from the breathtakingly solid to the terribly exiguous, Professor Hawking leads us on an exhilarating rush to a long way-off galaxies, unlit holes, alternate dimensions–as terminate as man has ever ventured to the mind of God. From the vantage point of the wheelchair from which he has spent bigger than twenty years trapped by Lou Gehrig’s illness, Stephen Hawking has remodeled our quiz of the universe. Cogently explained, passionately revealed,A Transient History of Timeis the epic of the very most sharp quest for records: the continuing uncover for the tantalizing secrets and tactics at the coronary heart of time and plot.

Product Identifiers
Publisher Random Residence Publishing Personnel
ISBN-10 055305340x
ISBN-13 9780553053401
eBay Product ID (ePID) 840874

Product Key Gains
Format Hardcover
E-newsletter twelve months 1988
Language English

Weight 14.7 Oz19459034]

Further Product Gains
Dewey Model 20
Introduction by Carl Sagan
Dewey Decimal 523.1
Creator Stephen Hawking
Assortment of Pages 208 Pages
E-newsletter Date 1988-03-01

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