Moleskine Cahiers Space of 3 Dominated Journals 3.5×5.5 64 pages dusky

Moleskine Cahiers Space of 3 Dominated Journals 3.5×5.5 64 pages dusky

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Set: $8.74

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Impress New: A contemporary, unread, unused e book in tremendous condition with out a missing or broken pages. Peep the seller’s
E-newsletter 365 days: 2008
Language: English ISBN:


About this product

Product Records
A journal for diverse times. It functions a versatile cardboard quilt that homes the acid-free paper pages, while the thread stitching is visible on the backbone. The encourage quilt has a mountainous pocket for notes or clippings, and the last 16 pages are removable. It also contains a removable card with the history of Moleskines.

Product Identifiers
Publisher Moleskine
ISBN-10 8883704894
ISBN-13 9788883704895
eBay Product ID (ePID) 64221524

Product Key Aspects
E-newsletter 365 days 2008
Language English

Weight 4.5 Oz19459027]
Width 3.5in.
Top 0.5in.
Size 5.5in.

Additional Product Aspects
Format OTHER, Quantity Pack
Replacement of Volumes 3 Vols.
Grade to Faculty Graduate Beginner
Illustrated Certain
Grade from Preschool
Series Cahier Journals
Creator Moleskine
Replacement of Pages 64 Pages
E-newsletter Date 2008-01-01

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