To Demolish a Mockingbird

To Demolish a Mockingbird

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Tag Novel: A brand unique, unread, unused e-book in profitable situation with no missing or broken pages. Look the vendor’s
Format: Paperback
Language: English Publication Year: 2005


Author: HarperCollins


Author: Harper Lee

Harper Perennial


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About this product

Product Knowledge
Harper Lee’s Pulitzer prize-winning masterwork of honor and injustice within the deep south–and the heroism of one man within the face of blind and violent hatred Regarded as one of per chance the most appealing-cherished tales of all time, To Demolish a Mockingbird has been translated into more than forty languages, equipped more than forty million copies worldwide, served as the premise for an vastly popular scoot image, and became once voted undoubtedly one of per chance the most appealing novels of the twentieth century by librarians across the nation. A though-provoking, heart-wrenching, and wholly mighty chronicle of coming-of-age in a South poisoned by virulent prejudice, it views a world of mammoth class and savage inequities thru the eyes of a younger lady, as her father–a crusading native authorized official–risks the entire lot to protect a shaded man unjustly accused of a hideous crime.

Product Identifiers
Author HarperCollins
ISBN-10 0060935464
ISBN-13 9780060935467
eBay Product ID (ePID) 23165

Product Key Parts
Format Paperback
Publication Year 2005
Author Harper Lee
Language English

Weight 8.6 Oz19459027]
Width 5.3in.
Top 0.8in.
Size 8in.

Extra Product Parts
Dewey Edition 22
Dewey Decimal 813/.5/4
Sequence Perennial Classics
Copyright Date 1988
Variety of Pages 336 Pages
Lc Classification Number Ps3562.E353t6 2001
Publication Date 2005-07-05
Lccn 2001-016794

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