100% contemporary LDK OPENDINGUX 2.6”LCD slight young folk’s retro handheld sport console

100% contemporary LDK OPENDINGUX 2.6”LCD slight young folk’s retro handheld sport console

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Imprint: $55.98

Item specifics


Fresh: A value-contemporary, unused, unopened, undamaged merchandise in its customary packaging (the save packaging is

Now no longer Appropriate

Blueprint Code: NTSC-C (China) Country/Blueprint of Accomplish: Unknown
A/V Output(s): Ingredient RCA Style: Dwelling Console


Exhausting Pressure Skill: 512MB
Platform: Multi-Platform MPN:

Does Now no longer Apply

Pause Date: Thursday Might perchance well well-23-2019 19:20:32 PDT
Elevate It Now for only: $55.98
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